Thursday, February 19, 2009

On Procrastination, Ideas, and Rumors...

There's a bed bug infestation in the Strange One's apartment building. They were going to spray last week, but we had them put it off till this week. Now, it's 11:30pm and we have to pull all the furniture out from the walls, empty all clothing and linens from the apartment and be sure to clear off the counters. He's exhausted and we got a late start tonight overall. Partially of a plot I had concocted earlier, going out for sushi, and tackling some book stores. Not the best course of action. Albiet, a fun one for us both.

At dinner a rather odd statement was tossed my way. "I think I need to update my facebook."

My response is the usual, "Oh?"

To which he says, "Yes, there is a rumor going around that you and I may be a relationship."

Rumor or not, it was a fact that both of us had been dancing around and over-thinking and confusing ourselves because we tend to be rather good at that regardless of the situation. Needless to say, this is happening on a night in which my idea for a collective community of comic writers and artists took hold and had a sense of clarity. Enough to which I could write my proposal for work. I'm a bit proud of it.

"It is our goal to bring together the fibers that create the independent comic industry in order to weave the tapestry for a community that is dedicated to the fans and patrons of our growing industry. For too long we've grabbed at loose ends and whored ourselves to the machines that at times reward mediocrity and nurture the regurgatated ideas that form the classics of our industry. It is our goal at the Comic Collective to raise the standard as well as give once ignored or unheard voices a forum in which to showcase their arts in all forms. We hope to bring awareness to publishers, patrons, and old fans alike in our own personal journeys towards the creation of the tales that live in our minds. We seek to not just push the envelope, but draw out a new line.

Welcome to our sandbox."

My mission statement, of sorts. Here's to dreams becoming realities.

1 comment:

  1. Well Nunabutt, your vision seems both lofty and wonderous. I wish you all the best in making it a reality.
